In a previous post Create a Frame we learned how to create a virtual frame. Let's now learn how to mat and frame an image with it.
- If not already open, Launch the Plugin from Plugins->Add Frame->Add Frame
- Select the file with the frame and make it active.
- Click on Step 1
- Select the file with the image you want to frame and make it active.
- Click on Step 2
- Click Process
Set the Parameters
- Choose you units (pixels or percent)
- Set the dimensions of the mat on all 4 sides
- You will likely want the bottom mat wider so there is room for the title
- Choose the color of the mat
- Be sure to close the color picker
- Choose Font and size of the title
- Choose the color of the title
- Be sure to close the color picker
- Click Ok
- During the build don't be alarmed by lots of crazy looking images as things are scaled.
Post Processing
- Work with the layers as necessary.