Frame an Image

Posted by Don Vawter on January 27, 2025

In a previous post Create a Frame we learned how to create a virtual frame. Let's now learn how to mat and frame an image with it.

  1. If not already open, Launch the Plugin from Plugins->Add Frame->Add Frame
  2. ...
  3. Select the file with the frame and make it active.
  4. Click on Step 1
  5. Select the file with the image you want to frame and make it active.
  6. Click on Step 2
  7. Click Process

Set the Parameters

  1. ...
  2. Choose you units (pixels or percent)
  3. Set the dimensions of the mat on all 4 sides
  4. You will likely want the bottom mat wider so there is room for the title
  5. Choose the color of the mat
  6. Be sure to close the color picker
  7. Choose Font and size of the title
  8. Choose the color of the title
  9. Be sure to close the color picker
  10. Click Ok
  11. During the build don't be alarmed by lots of crazy looking images as things are scaled.

Post Processing

  1. ...
  2. Work with the layers as necessary.